Dr. Malcher | Repair of a sliding right inguinal hernia containing the cecum
Repair of a sliding right inguinal hernia containing the cecum
IPOM Panel Discussion: Ventralight ST Mesh with Echo PS Positioning System
IPOM Case Overview – Recorded Case Review and Panel Discussions with Hernia Repair Experts from Australia, Europe, Latin America and the United States.
Dr. Malcher | Bilateral transversus abdominis release with a single docking at extraperitoneal access for a large ventral hernia defect
Bilateral transversus abdominis release with a single docking at extraperitoneal access for a large ventral hernia defect
Dr. Malcher | Robotic repair of incarcerated inguinal hernia using CO2 asperation tip
Doctor(s): Dr. Malcher Description of of the case: Robotic repair of incarcerated inguinal hernia using CO2 asperation tip Products Used: Ventralight™ ST Mesh [...]
Dr. Malcher | Robotic ventral hernia repair with rectus diastasus
Doctor(s): Dr. Malcher Description of of the case: Minimally edited video on robotic extraperitoneal access for a ventral hernia repair with rectus diastasus [...]
Dr. Malcher | Robotic repair of bilateral inguinal hernia
Robotic repair of bilateral inguinal hernia
Dr. Malcher | R TAPP abs
Robotic repair of inguinal scrotal hernia with abadoned the sac technique
Dr. Malcher | R TAPP
Robotic repair of incarcerated obstructed inguinal hernia
Dr. Malcher | eTEP 10GR
Step by step extended totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair following the "ten golden rules"
Tim Tollens, M.D. | HerniaU live Inguinal TAPP procedure
The session kicks off with Dr. Tollens and his team from Belgium discussing a patient's case history, including previous surgeries and current condition. [...]
Salvador Morales-Conde M.D | Bilateral Inguinal-Scrotal TEP
Dr Morales demonstrates a bilateral TEP repair for inguino-scrotal hernia, addressing the difficulty of handling large hernia sacs by a totally extra-peritoneal approach. Back [...]
Tim Tollens, M.D. | TEP for Right Inguinal Hernia
Dr. Tollens narrates a TEP repair for a pantaloon hernia, with telescope dissection, triangulated working ports and non-fixating mesh technique Back to Video [...]