Transforming my hernia practice as a community surgeon; algorithms, outcomes, economics, robotics and mesh

March 19, 2024 | 8:00 PM ET | 5:00 PM PT

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Please join Dr. Amber Koon while she explains how she is transforming her hernia practice as a young community-based surgeon and impacting her patients’ lives.

Dr. Koon will discuss her hernia repair decision algorithm, and how she gained expertise in more advanced robotic repairs, while improving her understanding of more intricate mesh materials. As a community-based surgeon with an advanced robotics practice, understanding the value-based model of shared care and tracking patient outcomes is a critical to her success.


Dr. Amber Koon, DO, FACS
Dr. Amber Koon, DO, FACS
Clinical Faculty University of Pikeville
Chair of Robotics Committee
Chief of Surgery
Deaconess Health, Henderson, KY


J. Scott Roth, M.D., FACS
J. Scott Roth, M.D., FACS
Division Chief, General, Endocrine, and Metabolic Surgery
Commonwealth Professor of Minimally Invasive Surgery
Director, Minimally Invasive Surgery Program
University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY